We have expeditions traveling along the Rio Negro of Brazil on the following dates:
October 31-Nov 9, 2025 (3 spots left)
March 31-April 9, 2026 (20 spots)
We will be observing hundreds of Amazon species in their natural habitat, taking morning and night canoe excursions to view the natural beauty of the region and view wildlife, visiting riverside villages to learn about local cultures, and so much more!
Some of the seminars and workshops on board may include Introduction to the Amazon, Wildlife Conservation in Brazil, Bird Watching on the Rio Negro, Animal Welfare, Indigenous People, Culture and Traditions, and Conservation and Research of the Amazon River Dolphin: an Endangered Species. Join us for the experience of a lifetime! Contact info@ardcf.org for more details and to reserve your spot on the boat.
Deposits are non-refundable
Contact us for more details: info@ardcf.org
"My adventure on the Rio Negro with ARDCF was like reading a thriller. Everything was exciting, unbelievable, and mysterious. I wanted to rush through, find out what was around the bend. But when the trip ended, I wanted to go back to the beginning and luxuriate in each intriguing moment. The Amazon has captured me."